Everyone knows that smoking increases the risk of heart attack, but a recent study by Dr. Nicole Valtorta in the journal Heart found that loneliness and social isolation were associated with a 29% increased risk of heart attack and 32% greater risk of stroke.  This degree of risk was similar to the risk of light smoking or obesity.

It is known that loneliness is linked to weaker immune systems, high blood pressure, and depression… but now there is evidence that maintaining friendships, interacting with others socially, and developing new relationships positively impact one’s physical as well as mental health.

Quitting smoking is definitely advantageous but is often a difficult and uncomfortable process. If you aren’t quite ready for such a big step, here is an important step that is easier and beneficial as well…  gathering with others for dinner, a sports event, a concert, or even a cup of coffee helps your heart without the withdrawal side effects!

At Motion 4 Life Fitness, we not only have the latest equipment technology and highly qualified personal trainers, but we recognize the importance of social interaction.  We provide a very friendly staff and welcoming community of members dedicated to providing encouragement and support to those of all fitness levels.


Carol Weesner, MD



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